How to Use Unique Permissions for Libraries and Lists in SharePoint

With Microsoft 365 group permissions, all members (except administrators) have the same level of access to all Microsoft 365 applications and data associated with the Microsoft 365 group (e.g., Teams, SharePoint, Outlook, Planner, etc.). There are no areas blocked from their access. SharePoint is an exception because it also has its own permissions system, allowing […]

Check-Out/Check-in Documents in SharePoint Online and What You Should Pay Attention To

SharePoint is one of the most used tools in projects and supports many project management activities. As a Project Management Officer, I oversee large project SharePoint sites and get questions about specific SharePoint topics all the time. Frequently, questions come in where check-out/check-in is the root cause of problems, because this functionality is not always […]

How to Create a Risk Log in SharePoint Online

Risk management is a central activity in project management, but is unfortunately often neglected. Projects fail because of risks that are discovered too late, ignored or simply not sought. Risk management is not complex but is hard work and the most important thing: it must be done with conviction. Software such as Excel or SharePoint […]

Make Your Project Management More Efficient with SharePoint Online

Project management is a vital business activity to create new products and services to secure the future of the business of companies, but also to execute large maintenance activities doing reorganizations or accusations.The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines project management as “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the […]